Clinic: How We Work

From March 19 to April 4, 2024 we led four sessions to share How We Work for Setting up Openscapes Champions Cohorts with a small group of Openscapes Mentors and a Science Gateways Focus Week participant. We’re adding the content here for future us to adapt and reuse.

Purpose: Onboarding to how we work, while getting specific tasks done to prepare for a Champions Cohort. We’re hoping the group will have complementing motivations to learn/reuse.

Process: 4 Calls: Call 1 to be a kickoff conversation to share our overall approach, context, and get to know everyone’s needs/motivations. Calls 2-4 will be what we call “coworking” - Stef will screenshare and Stef and Julie will talk through the tech and tasks we get done live that day, and we can learn together. We can schedule a check-in call after the cohort.

Outcomes: People learn how we work and have a sense of how this applies to their work, and everything is set for our spring Champions Cohorts for NASA Earthdata and EPA researchers.


The Google doc HowWeWork_ChampionsSetup_2024 [ public ] has Agendas for the 4 sessions.

Planning/Communication section at bottom of the doc has text of emails sent to invitees.

Recordings of sessions e.g. HowWeWork_ChampionsSetup_Coworking-01_2024, are in the OpenscapesCohortPlanning folder.