Do and fix things in Git

These are our go-to resources about GitHub; they include philosophy, step-by-step guidance, and troubleshooting. Most examples are with R and RStudio, and are applicable more broadly.

Excuse Me, Do You Have a Moment to Talk About Version Control?

Excuse Me, Do You Have a Moment to Talk About Version Control?” Bryan J, 2017, PeerJ 

Happy Git With R

“Happy Git provides opinionated instructions on how to Install Git and get it working smoothly with GitHub, in the shell and in the RStudio IDE; Develop a few key workflows that cover your most common tasks; Integrate Git and GitHub into your daily work with R and R Markdown.”

R for Excel Users

R for Excel Users. Lowndes J and Horst A, 2020. Chapter 4 and 8 focus on starting setup and collaboration with GitHub and RStudio

GitHub artwork by Allison Horst

Includes where things happen (remote vs local) and how to interact between them:


usethis. Wickham H and Bryan J.

usethis is a workflow R package: it automates repetitive tasks that arise during project setup and development, both for R packages and non-package projects.

Git Flight Rules

“A guide for astronauts (now, programmers using Git) about what to do when things go wrong.”

This is quite a comprehensive and maintained list of git commands, using the command line.

GitHub: A beginner’s guide to going back in time (aka fixing mistakes)

This has screenshots and a workflow with RStudio and the command line.

Practical R Workflow for Scientists

By Dr. Eli Holmes

Oh Sh*t, Git!?!

Oh Sh*t, Git!?!. Swear-free version: Dangit, Git!?!

Git is hard: screwing up is easy, and figuring out how to fix your mistakes is [nearly] impossible. Git documentation has this chicken and egg problem where you can’t search for how to get yourself out of a mess, unless you already know the name of the thing you need to know about in order to fix your problem.

So here are some bad situations I’ve gotten myself into, and how I eventually got myself out of them in plain english.

Not just for programmers

Not just for programmers: How GitHub can accelerate collaborative and reproducible research in ecology and evolution Braga et al 2023 provides 12 ways researchers in ecology and evolution use GitHub, as well as resources and examples of researchers using and learning GitHub.