Presentations, Publications and Media


Openscapes approach to helping organizations transition to Open Science workflows and new tools Presented to the High-level Group for the Modernisation of Statistical Production & Services (HLG-MOS), United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). May 4, 2022: Lowndes and Holmes.

Open Science Adoption with Organizations: Lessons for individuals from theories about technology adoption Dr. Eli Holmes gave a talk on using theory concerning technology adoption to help plan activities for the Year of Open Science. ESIP Panel on “Better Science for Future Us: Planning for the Year of Open Science” organized by Erin Robinson and Julie Lowndes. January 18-21, 2022.

VRData R Package Dr. Eli Holmes (NWFSC) describes and screenshares her team’s open science practices (GitHub, R) that increase efficiency, quality control, and transparency for Pacific Northwest Salmonid Viability Reports. December 1, 2021.

Data to Product Workflows Em Markowitz (NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center) presented during the NMFS Openscapes Champions Cohort about her R package for automating reports for NOAA with RMarkdown. October 1, 2021.

State of the Ecosystem Product Development Workflow Kim Bastille (NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center) presented during the FDD Openscapes Champions Cohort about the reproducible workflow used by the State Of the Ecosystem report.

Blog Posts

AFSC Winter Cohort Report - April 7, 2022: Markowitz, London, Siple.

3 Takeways for planning for the year of Open Science - February 17, 2022: Friesz, Fenwick, Holmes, Holder, Steiker, Robinson, Lowndes

Identifying common approaches and needs for fisheries dependent data - November 12, 2021: Fay, Jones, Holder and Lowndes

Strengthening scientific workflow and team collaboration at NOAA Fisheries - November 12, 2021: Holmes, Ward, Scalliet, Clatterbuck and Lowndes