NMFS Champions Cohorts

Champions Cohorts

NMFS Openscapes Champions program is a mentorship and professional development opportunity for individuals and research teams in NOAA Fisheries. Read blog posts about each NMFS Champions Cohort and other NMFS Openscapes activities.

Upcoming Cohorts

hands together

  • Summer 2022 SEFSC

  • During Oct-Dec 2022, four Champions Cohorts will be happening concurrently at AFSC, NWFSC, SWFSC, and SEFSC with participation by PIFSC, WCRO and SERO staff.

Past Cohorts

NWFSC Spring 2021 Champions Cohort of 30+ scientists at the Northwest Fisheries Science Center.

FDD Fall 2021 This was a Champions Cohort for Fisheries Dependent Data users (FDD).

NMFS Fall 2021 This was a Champions Cohort of scientists across 4 science centers: AFSC, NWFSC, NEFSC and SEFSC.

AFSC Winter 2021-2022 Champions Cohort at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center.