demo.qmd file for practice

This demo.qmd file has Markdown-formatted text, examples for adding headers, hyperlinks, and inserting images with alt-text.

We can all practice Markdown in this Quarto file. Make an edit, preview how it will look in the site (quarto preview), edit, repeat.

Only make changes to the section below under your name header (to prevent conflicts with other people’s edits)

Ideas for contributions


We can make headers using ## Name, ### Name, etc. Headers are powerful in Quarto because they let you organize your content. You can share a specific subsection of a page by copying its URL.


We can include an image with the same []() pattern, by adding a preceding exclamation point: ![](). The [] contain the caption (optional) and () contain the path to the image file.

Additional attributes like image size, alt text, and linking the image to a URL, are set inside {} in this example:

![The Openscapes logo](/images/openscapes_hex.png){fig-alt="Openscapes logo. A hexagonal shape with orange border, yellow background, the word openscapes in orange above a cartoon evoking a landscape of data plots" width="35%"}

Openscapes logo. A hexagonal shape with orange border, yellow background, the word openscapes in orange above a cartoon evoking a landscape of data plots

The Openscapes logo


For your first edit, you could fix this tpyo and preview how it will look in the site.


For your first edit, you could fix this tpyo and preview how it will look in the site.


For your first edit, you could fix this tpyo and preview how it will look in the site.


For your first edit, you could fix this tpyo and preview how it will look in the site.


For your first edit, you could fix this tpyo and preview how it will look in the site.


For your first edit, you could fix this tpyo and preview how it will look in the site.


For your first edit, you could fix this tpyo and preview how it will look in the site.


For your first edit, you could fix this tpyo and preview how it will look in the site.


For your first edit, you could fix this tpyo and preview how it will look in the site.


For your first edit, you could fix this tpyo and preview how it will look in the site.


For your first edit, you could fix this tpyo and preview how it will look in the site.


For your first edit, you could fix this tpyo and preview how it will look in the site.


For your first edit, you could fix this tpyo and preview how it will look in the site.


For your first edit, you could fix this tpyo and preview how it will look in the site.


For your first edit, you could fix this tpyo and preview how it will look in the site.


For your first edit, you could fix this tpyo and preview how it will look in the site.


For your first edit, you could fix this tpyo and preview how it will look in the site.


For your first edit, you could fix this tpyo and preview how it will look in the site.