Documenting things:
openly for future us

Julia Stewart Lowndes

in collaboration with Erin Robinson,
NASA Openscapes Mentors, &
the Openscapes Community

September 19, 2023



all the things

  • code & analyses
  • teaching resources
  • onboarding & community
  • fieldwork/lab protocols
  • events
  • ideas, learning


mindset & habit

  • ourselves, teams, communities

  • in the next hour, week, decades

  • intentional, inclusive

Documenting things doesn’t have to be painful

In fact, it’s supposed to be helpful.

It does take time and intention. Slowing down to speed up.

Purpose today: to help you document things effectively &
hear stories of how documentation can be visible and valued — and help teams be efficient, productive, and less lonely.

5-min lightning talk - practical tips (inspired by Jenny Bryan’s Naming Files 💙)

10-min stories - repeatable strategies (from NASA Openscapes & beyond TL;DR)

Documenting things

Have a place

Have an audience in mind

Design for readability & accessibility

Have a place

It doesn’t matter where at first. Just write it down.

Google Doc




Quarto/Jupyter book

Slide deck

Write as you go

Develop the habit of writing things down in this place; copy/paste from email.

Break down documentation as an otherwise big and looming task.

Keyboard shortcuts: Arrow keys + shift + option + command (Mac); + Ctrl + Fn (PC)

Screenshot of text in a Google Doc that is highlighted half-way, with the last line of highlighing ending at the end of one sentence.

Write in a modular way

Writing in small bits is less daunting to write & maintain collaboratively.

Screenshot of an e-book left navigation bar for R, RStudio, and RMarkdown, with subsections Summary, RStudio Orientation, Intro to RMarkdown, R code in the Console, R functions, Help pages, Commenting

Modular bits can be networked; not limited to linear flow. Don’t repeat yourself (DRY)!

Screenshot of an e-book left navigation bar for R, RStudio, and RMarkdown, with subsections Summary, RStudio Orientation, Intro to RMarkdown, R code in the Console, R functions, Help pages, Commenting

No true order;
you’ll move things around.

Lowndes & Horst, R for Excel Users

Have an audience in mind

You’re writing this for someone. Often, many audiences with different entryways.

Make it engaging, specific. Doesn’t have to be dry or distant.

Screenshot of Jenny Bryan's Happy Git With R book that has an image from the music video Whip that says Watch me Diff, Watch me Rebase

Write in an inclusive tone

We’re in this together: Your readers are intelligent & here to learn from you.

Consider your goals and style that welcome readers; e.g. avoid words that trivialize

Avoid: “simply clone the repo”

Thoughtful resources

  • Purpose, Outcomes, Process (POP)
  • Carpentries Curriculum Developers Handbook (CDH)
  • eScience SnowEx Hackweek Team-building (slides & website)

Narrate code in small chunks

Write short narrations for your code as you’d say it out loud. Match this with your purpose; it’s especially important for teaching.

Quarto now has a new code annotation feature to help!

Amy Steiker & NASA Openscapes Mentors, NASA Earthdata Cloud Clinic

Share early

Share early to iterate and receive feedback. Open does not always mean public.

Consider permissions & leverage different technologies to leave breadcrumbs.

Screenshot of NOAA Fisheries Open Science Resource Book on the page with 508 Compliance. A red arrow points to blue text that says Recording of R UG Meeting and in red text says Internal link

NOAA Fisheries Open Science, Resource Book

Design for readability & accessibility

Leverage defaults and best practices

Screenshot of the Quarto homepage, which has a nice navigation bar at the top, and stylized text that draws your eye that says Welcome to Quarto and has bullet points describing what it can do with Jupyter, VS Code, RStudio, Websites, Articles, Presentations, Books, and Knowledge Repo icons

Allaire et al,

Use section headers

Section headers are important for screen readers to describe sections and flow.

You can anchor directly to them to share an anchored URL.

Naming things 💙 is key here - “embrace the slug”

Screenshot of Google Doc with a Bookmark inserted with a red arrow pointing from the Insert nav bar item that says Insert > Bookmark

Clatterbuck, Fenwick et al, 3 approaches for the year of open science.

Use text formatting

Formatting helps your readers follow along.

Hyperlink the important text, not that this important thing is here.

Distinguish code with fonts; (in Markdown use backticks: `code` )

Screenshot of a blog post where the hyperlinked text says Fire and Tree Mortality Database and the words tidymodels and geomtextpath are formatted for code

Alternative text (“alt text”)

Use alt text to describe the details and takehome messages in your visuals.

A round hedgehog knitting a yellow sock. A rabbit with a teal beanie and wearing one yellow sock watches in anticipation. A shelf to the left of them contains yarn in a tote labeled TEXT, and knitting patterns in a tote labeled CODE.

Caption: Knitting text and code

Alt text: A round hedgehog knitting a yellow sock. A rabbit with a teal beanie and wearing one yellow sock watches in anticipation. A shelf to the left of them contains yarn in a tote labeled TEXT, and knitting patterns in a tote labeled CODE.

Horst & Hill, The Hedgehog Series

Documenting things

Have a place

Have an audience in mind

Design for readability & accessibility

What’s possible from this

Putting a focus on documentation has enabled NASA
to collaborate across divisions and support users transitioning to Earthdata Cloud

Teaching NASA Earthdata Cloud

…by learning as a community

Screenshot of a Zoom meeting with 30 smiling faces

NASA Openscapes

  • A mentor group across NASA Earth science data centers (DAACs)
  • Co-creating and teaching common tutorials alongside researchers as we migrate analytical workflows to the Cloud

Place: Earthdata Cloud Cookbook

Screenshot of an e-book made with Quarto for the NASA Cloud Cookbook

NASA Openscapes Mentors, NASA Earthdata Cloud Cookbook

Audience: Us first, then specific researchers

Diagram of a colorful shell-spiral shape with NASA Openscapes Mentors community values as a small image up top, then Data Center Staff, then End Users, then Open Science Community

Design: Meet people where they are

We don’t assume experience; we all can learn and teach.

Collaborating across workflows: .ipynb, .Rmd; VSCode, Jupyter, RStudio, MATLAB.

Screenshot of a quarto e-book called NASA Earthdata Cloud Cookbook with a red box around the left navigation bar section that says Contributing. The main page we see says Onboarding Mentors with subsections like Welcome to the mentor community! and Mentor schedule, tooling checklist

NASA Openscapes Community, NASA Earthdata Cloud Cookbook

Design: Reuse & complement existing work

Screenshot of Divios Documentation system: a black square with four quadrants labeled Tutorials, How To Guides, Reference, and Explanation

Diátaxis & Divio, Documentation System

Framework - helped NASA Mentors focus on learning & problem oriented documentation.

Screenshot of 20 logos from different open communities including Transfor to Open Science, Ladies of Landsat, Posit, rOpenSci, and The Turing Way

Bri Lind at the NASA Hyperwall, Getting to Know Open Science

Open community - helped NASA Mentors learn, scope, co-develop, and share.

What’s possible from this

Putting a focus on documentation has enabled
the NASA Openscapes community
to grow through intentional onboarding
over 3 years

3 places for 3 audiences, designed for onboarding

Place: Project website

Audience: NASA Leadership

Screenshot of the project website for NASA Openscapes, with a blue navigation bar across the top and NASA and Openscapes logos in the center

invite participation,
info lives outside email

Earthdata Cloud Cookbook

NASA Mentors

Screenshot of an e-book made with Quarto for the NASA Cloud Cookbook

access comms & tech,
contribute, code review

Approach Guide

Openscapes team

Screenshot of a Quarto site that is a guide of the Openscapes Approach

How we work:
purpose, facilitation,
checklists & timelines

What’s possible from this

Putting a focus on documentation has enabled
NOAA Fisheries, Cal Water Boards, and others
to reuse this approach

Invest in both technical & social infrastructure

Documenting things ultimately saves time - fewer emails asking where things are; people feeling less lost and like they belong.

Requires intention & time; investment in psychological safety & growth mindset.

Have a place

Have an audience in mind

Design for readability & accessibility

a digital crayon drawing of a tomato plant in the middle and a colorful circle around it connecting different concepts clockwise, starting at the roots. The roots says Culture, the watering can and toolbox says Technical Infrastructure, the sun says Values, the leaves say Social Infrastructure, and the final basket of tomatoes says Relevant, rigourous, insightful science

Thank you

Openscapes team & community

Open source/science community far and wide, including CSS architect Sam Csik

This work was funded in part by NASA Award #20-TWSC20-2-0003

More depth on everything